Health WiseHealth Wise

by Dr. David Schwartz, M.D.


This includes rheumatoid arthritis, lupus erythematosis, polymyalgia rheumatica, relapsing polychondritis, scleroderma, inflammatory bowel disease (IBS), Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and many other inflammatory conditions.

Several areas of dysfunction may be relevant:


Suspect especially if respiratory allergies or eczema present or frequent illnesses occur.

Recommend test for celiac disease, food elimination diet, or at least take out wheat and dairy. If test positive for celiac, avoid all gluten-containing foods.

Desensitization of allergies, Nambudripad Allergy Elimination Techniques (NAET), etc.

Anti-inflammatory supplements – bromelains or other enzymes 3x/day between meals, turmeric with red or black pepper 3x/day, and ginger.


Likely if digestive symptoms present.

Recommend comprehensive stool exam to check for deficiencies in digestive enzymes and/or stomach acid, gut inflammation, parasites, and for yeast or bacterial overgrowth.

The four "R's" – REMOVE parasites, yeast, etc., REPAIR leaky gut with medical food UltraInflamX, L-glutamine 1000mg/day, quercetin 1500mg/day, GLA (gamma linolenic acid) 1000mg/day.

REPLACE stomach acid with betaine HCl and replace digestive enzymes by taking enzymes with meals, and REINOCULATE with probiotics (beneficial bacteria).


More probable if chronic fatigue, malaise, significant toxin exposure, sensitivity to chemicals and caffeine.

Recommend liver detoxification test.

Foods high in sulfur - cabbage family, broccoli, cauliflour, etc., eggs, onions, garlic.

Supplement with n-acetyl cysteine (NAC), milk thistle, fruit extracts.


Associated with toxin exposure, detoxification deficiency, and the above imbalances.

Blood test can assess level of oxidative stress.

Supplement with Vitamin C to bowel tolerance, Vitamin E Mixed tocopherols 400-800 i.u./day, mixed carotenoids 25,000 i.u./day, Zinc 50mg and Copper 2mg per day, Selenium 200mcg/day, NAC 3000mg/day, alpha lipoic acid 400mg (if R-fraction available, 200mg/day), grape seed extract or pycnogenol, green tea extract.


More likely if diet high in junk, trans fats (hydrogenated oils), saturated fats, sugars, white flour, and other refined carbohydrates.

Supplement with high potency multivitamin-mineral combination, especially Zinc and Copper mentioned above, fish oil containing EPA 1800mg/day, DHA 1400mg/day, GLA 1000mg/day.


DHEA up to 10mg/day for women, and up to 25mg/day for men can be taken without testing, available without prescription. Testosterone available by prescription, but testing should be done before and after taking supplements. Dr. Jonathan Wright has had some success using these hormones.

When obtaining supplements, it is best to buy from company that certifies GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices). Most will have a GMP seal on the bottle. Otherwise, you may not see the results you want due to poor quality or inadequate strength.

I wish you good health!

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